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FREE Energy Management Mini Toolkit
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Request Toolkit

Simply submit your name and email above to receive Masters' Academy's FREE Mini Toolkit (a $199 value) for your next Energy Management Project. The toolkit contains 25 pages of useful thumb rules and templates for beginning or expanding your energy reduction career and knowledge base.

The Toolkit Contains:
  • How to Make Your Energy Management Program (EMP) Successful
    (Five things you need to know before starting your energy management journey.)
  • Summary of Common Energy Management “Thumb Rules”
    (These rules of thumb simplify the math when estimating energy costs for current and proposed projects. This is a major time saver!)
  • Sample Energy Manager Job Description Templates
    (These will help you find the perfect candidate for your energy management position.)
  • Sample Energy Policy Template
    (Essential for get everyone heading in the same direction!)
  • Energy Efficiency Incentive Programs
    (Where to find them and how to maximize their benefits!)
  • Links to Professional Energy Management Organizations
    (We show you how and where to find these resources and how they can help you for little or no cost!)

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